– Representative of Sacred Magic, in which the practitioner is a conduit of universal energy – “The Created” is reflective of “The Creator” – The contemplative experience, also called the Gnostic experience, is born in silence and listening, creating a “mirror” reflecting awareness from above, and all that may be understood therein signals development of spiritual attention – Represents the meeting point (the doorway) between the higher consciousness of Gnosis and the lower awareness of the material world – Transformation of the pure act of spontaneous creativity into representative form “the world is a magical act” – Reflection, Mirror of energy, Objectivity The invisible is understood through the visible – Energy in action is not perceptible ITs reflected effects are how IT is experienced…. – Ill-dignified aspect indicates The Charlatan (lack of true concentration or the pretense of concentration, visionary action for personal gain) – Represents the harmony and equilibrium between the creative spontaneity of the unconscious and the deliberately executed activity of the conscious, thereby engendering their synthesis

– IT takes hard work (practice) to make things look easy – Represents the Art of Concentration, possible in a condition of calm and silence, at the expense of the automatism of thought and imagination – Concentration without effort transform work into play – The rapport of personal effort and spiritual reality the synthesis of the conscious and the unconscious

This is an abridgemental overview of the book “Meditations On The Tarot – A Journey Into Christian Hermeticism”, by Valentin Tomberg, a Russian-born Christian mystic, which was written in French and published anonymously and posthumously in 1980 the far-ranging scope of the writing has compelled me to distill each of the 22 theses (one for each Triumph Card) down to a usable essence, encapsulating the many themes in each card for compactness of comprehension….